What is sub-Q Magazine?
sub-Q is an interactive magazine for interactive fiction. This 90-second video demonstrates how we work:
Our Mission
We seek to promote all forms of interactive fiction by
- Increasing the visibility of IF
- Growing the market for short- and long-form works
- Supporting the development of open platforms
- Compensating content creators
We encourage work from creators of color, creators from the QUILTBAG community, and creators with disabilities. Intersectionality welcome. Internationality welcome.
Our Content
Starting August 4, sub-Q will release a work of interactive fiction every Tuesday. We publish original and reprint works of science fiction, fantasy, horror, weird tales, magic realism, and mash-ups.
We want smart, fun, and unexpected.
Our Business Model
Like a public podcast, we rely on sponsorships and member support. Our survival depends on you.
Want to Know More?
- Who We Are explains more about our goals, our staff, and our process.
- Our FAQ may answer some of your other questions.
- Our submissions page has our latest submissions guidelines and Submittable link.
- Ideas & Resources has more information about IF and how to get started creating.
- Positions explains how to join our team.
- If you’d like to advertise with sub-Q, sponsor us.
- Questions not answered here? Reach out via our contact form.
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